Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique used by organizations to organically increase their website rankings on search engines like Google. The higher you rank organically, the more traffic you will see on your website. We will create and release content with relevant search keywords and phrases for your business, then tie them back to your website. 

This is different from a paid Google Ads strategy but will still help you grow your online presence. SEO is a long term approach to marketing your business, and the more quality and relevant content that exists online in association with your website, the higher you will rank in online search. This is digital marketing 101 that every business needs. 





Great for targeting neighborhood customers or smaller cities

Created for large metro areas, multi-city, or statewide campaigns

Designed to target multiple states or regions within the United States and beyond

All of our plans start with an initial setup and site optimization phase that include the following:

  • Website Audit
  • Keyword Research 
  • Keyword URL Mapping
  • On-page Implementation
  • Duplicate Content Check
  • Competition Analysis
  • Baseline Ranking Check
  • Broken Links Check
  • Google Penalty Check
  • Header (H1) Tags Optimization
  • Internal Link Structuring &
  • Existing Content Optimization
  • Title & Meta Tags Optimization
  • Footer Optimization
  • Custom 404 Page Analysis



$250/month + $300 one time setup fee


$300/month + $300 one time setup fee

  • 8 Keywords
  • 2 Target Locations 
  • 2 Blog Posts per week
  • 1 Article Submission per week
  • 1 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 1 Classified Submission per week
  • 1 Image Submission per week
  • 1 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console 
  • 15 Keywords
  • 4 Target Locations 
  • 5 Blog Posts per week
  • 2 Article Submissions per week
  • 5 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 5 Classified Submissions per week
  • 5 Image Submissions per week
  • 2 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console



$400/month + $400 one time setup fee


$500/month + $400 one time setup fee

  • 20 Keywords
  • 8 Target Locations 
  • 8 Blog Posts per week
  • 3 Article Submission per week
  • 7 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 7 Classified Submissions per week
  • 7 Image Submissions per week
  • 3 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console
  • 25 Keywords
  • 10 Target Locations 
  • 10 Blog Posts per week
  • 4 Article Submission per week
  • 10 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 10 Classified Submissions per week
  • 10 Image Submissions per week
  • 4 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console



$1,200/month + $500 one time setup fee


$1,500/month + $500 one time setup fee

  • 40 Keywords
  • 30 Target Locations 
  • 20 Blog Posts per week
  • 7 Article SubmissionS per week
  • 15 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 15 Classified Submissions per week
  • 15 Image Submissions per week
  • 8 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console
  • 60 Keywords
  • 50 Target Locations 
  • 30 Blog Posts per week
  • 12 Article Submission per week
  • 25 Company Profile Listing per week
  • 25 Classified Submissions per week
  • 25 Image Submissions per week
  • 12 Q & A Submissions per week
  • Google Search Console

If you would like to check out our other digital marketing services, like Social Media Marketing, you can review all of our marketing plans here. 


Why SEO?

Search engine optimization targets unpaid traffic and builds the online presence of your business organically. All long-term digital marketing strategies need to include SEO. 

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing web pages for specific keywords in order to improve search visibility and traffic. It involves aligning page-specific elements like title tags, headings, content, and internal links with keywords.

What is off-page SEO link building?

Off-page SEO (also called off-site SEO or backlinking) refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). Along with on-page SEO, these include several of the factors of basic SEO that help a site to rank.

Best SEO Practices for Page Layouts

Title tags, meta date, keywords and phrases... What is all this? These are the items we build into the front and backend of your websites pages to help Google find you in an online search.

Best SEO Practices for High Quality Content

Google has said for years that the most important single factor to them is high quality content. Content is king and the more high-quality content we release, the more effective your SEO will be. 

Why is SEO Link Building Important?

Link building is an important part of SEO marketing because it helps search engines discover new web pages, and determines which pages should rank higher in the SERPs. 

Why is Researching Keywords Important?

Keyword research is important because it can reveal vital information to grow your business online. Keyword research can tell you what terms people are actively searching for, the competitiveness of those keywords, and help guide your content marketing plan to increase organic search visibility, rankings, and traffic.

How do we identify your SEO keywords?

We use a number of different web tools to find the best keywords for your business. Question focused, and synonym keywords, will help you target not just any customer, but the right customer for your business. 

If you have any other questions or would like to speak with one of our marketing consultants just send us a message or call us today